The ideology of the character stems from a misguided attempt at uncovering the hypocrisy that exists in the city of Dallaway. Where crime committed in the Southside is thrown under the rug as a normal occurrence while a rare case of a crime committed in the wealthier, North side of Dallaway is reported with great importance and urgency. At the start of the movie, the now-called “Blonde Killer” has committed two murders from the South side. His third victim is Senator Kelly’s daughter Elizabeth Kelly. The political involvement and the fact that this was the death of an “important figure” sends shockwaves across Hopkins, fueling the killer to go further up the food chain. His final target is the residents of Midnight Boulevard, the wealthiest neighborhood of Dallaway. The Killer targets women with pale blonde hair between the ages of twenty to thirty and he leaves a bloody trail of mutilated victims who all met their demise with a final slit throat from a straight razor.