Ilsa is the sole owner of the Rivelle Manor. A young widow who lives a single life. Ilsa’s household is targeted by a pair of home invaders, Sully & Lou. A central theme of the film, voyeurism comes into play here. Ilsa is subjected to the voyeuristic “gaze” as the two robbers would spy from a distance. Counting down the time in which she leaves her house. They pick up on a recurring pattern when it comes to Ilsa’s outings. Every Saturday, Ilsa would dress up in a fancy white outfit and head out at 11:50 PM. For the robbers, the story ends there. But for Ilsa, this weekly outing is her reliving a memory with her previous lover. She takes a drive down to the coast, buys a specific brand of wine from a local wine store, and reminisces the memory of being proposed to marry her husband at that very spot. She then heads back home past midnight. Ilsa’s character carries a great sense of sorrow and melancholy with her. Unaware of what is awaiting her at the climax of this story.